youth group 2025 registration form

SLICE OF FAITH – 10 to 14 years

Slice of Faith runs every Friday from 7:30-9:00pm. The youth ministers notify the parents of the children in ‘The Slice of Faith group’ of all the events and programs via ‘Whats App’. The Friday gatherings consist of games, activities, faith related sessions and more! We aim help with faith formation and provide them with opportunities to form friendships with other youth in our faith community and help them with their spiritual growth

EMPIRE OF FAITH – 15 to 17 years

Empire of Faith Youth group has been running for over 10 years. Empire of Faith has been a place where the youth felt a sense of belonging and are inspired to know more about their Faith. Over the years ‘Empire’ has been able to form their own music ministry and sing at the Sunday 6pm Mass, once a month. We meet every Friday and help the youth find meaning and purpose through their high school years. The motto of Living “In His image and likeness” sets us up and forms the foundation for every gathering we have and we hope that the Youth will live out this motto in their everyday life.

YOUNG ADULTS – 18+ years

The young adults group comes together twice a month for a social gathering and a faith formation gathering. We often have planned day-trips to places, whether the beach, the park, a hike or perhaps a road trip, it just helps strengthen our bonds and also builds the community of young believers in a fun and informal way. The speakers who facilitate our faith formation gatherings, always make the sessions powerful and dynamic. We conclude the session with adoration and reflect on some personal decisions that help us in our journey of faith and also allows for ‘some quiet’ time with Jesus.


Selected Value: 10