Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Becoming a Catholic means understanding a spiritual journey. This journey will normally take a few months depending on the readiness of each individual. The whole journey is called the ‘Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults’ or RCIA for short. There is a gradual process of realising God’s call and becoming aware of God’s Grace in your life. The journey of accepting God’s Grace is done through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. The reception of these Sacraments brings you into full membership of the Catholic Church. The Easter Vigil is usually the time of celebration of these Sacraments of Initiation and is a time of great joy for you, your family and the Parish community. The RCIA takes place within a parish community so you are able to share in the life of the faith community. Essentially you will be joining the community of Our Lady Help of Christians and hence you will be accompanied along the way by some of the members of our community who will share with you their own Faith and assist you in the understanding and practice of worship and the Sacraments according to the Catholic tradition. There is no cost attached, and you may with draw at any point along the journey.


God works in many different ways. Most of the time, God works through ordinary people and events—a parent, a friend, a beautiful sunset, a song or an inspiring story. Other times, we hear God’s call during crisis moments or major life-changes—a birth, an engagement, a sickness, a death.

Sometimes, we just have a feeling that something is missing.

No matter what a person’s reasons are for becoming Catholic, the Church’s hope and prayer is that when God calls them, they will respond. The process of being initiated into the Church is not so much about learning things as in a classroom but learning a way of life as an apprentice learns a discipline from his teacher, Christians persevere to learn a way of life from the great teacher and master—Jesus himself.


If you have been thinking about becoming a Catholic for some time but never got around to doing anything about it…..
If you are married to a Catholic, but have not yet made a religious commitment of your own….
If you have been involved in a faith community but never took the step to investigate becoming a member in full Communion with the Church….
If you have been baptised, but have not been active in a Church, or you find yourself wanting “more”….
If you were baptised, but have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?


You may invite friends, family members, new family members, partners intending to get married, either non-baptised or baptised members from other Christian churches. You may also invite people just to make enquiries. Everyone is welcome.


Fill out the information on this flyer and post the flyer to the address below.

RCIA Enquiry Form